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Love, Sex and Awakening with Margot Anand and Robert Silber - 2017

January 16th-22nd, 2017

Puna, Big Island, Hawaii

What is the relationship between Love, Sex and Awakening? How can love and sex serve to elevate our consciousness and spirit? What is necessary for sex to be a beautiful manifestation of love? What is required for the heart to open fully? What are the practices that bring our lovemaking to the level of sublime art? How can you awaken your inner lover and tune into your divinity within through love and sex?

In this course, couples and singles are invited to explore these questions together with a spirit of curiosity, courage, and openness. We will practice the 3 keys of breath, sound, and movement as well as forms of meditation to increase our awareness, and how to bring ourselves powerfully into the present moment.

We’ll explore: Neurological re-patterning, Shamanic Journeying, the 3 stage Conscious Sensuality Communication Process, Dance, Yoga, Energetic and Ethical awareness and the light and shadow aspects of the personal, interpersonal and transpersonal.

We’ll practice rituals that transform sex into a high art integrating meditation, verbal and non-verbal communication, and yoga. Couples are welcome to practice more intimate exercises in the privacy of their own space.

A key aspect of this course is to immerse ourselves in shared techniques and modalities so that we can realize the essence behind the forms without attachment to the forms. Participants are at choice at all moments and encouraged to seek the choices and responses that best serve their authentic interests. This is a practical course in that the focus is on practice not just theory.

This course requires that participants have at a minimum: body awareness, self-knowledge of emotions, and fundamental communication skills including a willingness to speak desires and boundaries. Ideally participants will be familiar with some form(s) of meditation or practices that increase witnessing capacity and self-reflection as well as some form(s) of emotional release and ability to generate and move energy.

Love, Sex and Awakening is the title of Margot’s newest book which encapsulates 30 years of teaching. Margot is often considered the world’s leading authority on spiritual sexuality and incorporates many traditions within her courses.

Robert Silber’s work in Conscious Sensuality focuses on the use of sensation and emotion to increase awareness. He is an intentional community founder, author, yogi, permaculture designer and ecovillage developer.

Practical Details

Dates: Monday, January 16 – Sunday, January 22, 2017

Location: Lolia Place Ecovillage, Puna Coast, The Big Island of Hawaii


$1600 before Oct 1, 2016 $1700 before Nov 1, 2016 $1800 before Dec 1, 2016 $1900 before Jan 1, 2017 $2000 full price

Kama aina take additional 25% off (requires HI state id)

For more Info or to Register email:

Very limited spaces.


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