Conscious Sensuality Sessions and Coaching are an opportunity for individuals and couples to explore conscious sensuality in a private setting and focus on their particular goals and issues. Sessions and coaching can be either in-person or via video online.
These sessions are designed to provide an opportunity for you to experience conscious sensuality that can have profound results for your life. The techniques and methods have helped many people to have greater awareness of their bodies, relationships, emotions, sexuality, communication and spirituality.
Be prepared that you may wish to extend your session by an hour or two and do not schedule another event immediately after your session so you have time to integrate your experience.
Recommendation for video sessions is to make a commitment to 5 or 10 sessions over a period of weeks or months for full benefit. Video sessions may also include homework, recommended reading and additional practices.
Contact us for a full client intake package, or visit pricing and availability.

Personal and Professional Mentoring
The Conscious Sensuality Mentoring Program is a deeply personal, transformative journey that provides you with the tools to guide yourself and others through the psycho-sexual-emotional terrain with consciousness, compassion, power and ecstasy. This program can help you transcend your personal and professional limitations through intensive one-on-one guidance.
The key aspects of the mentoring program are:
Regular video conferences or phone calls with Robert Silber – Personal coaching with an emphasis on professional, relational, and personal sexual healing and empowerment. We will practice communication, touch, emotional healing rituals, session reviews, teaching feedback and guidance, and business development.
Leadership Training Program – At least one month of the residential Leadership Training Program
Eight in-person sessions- giving, receiving, witnessing, and supervised sessions with Robert Silber.
Curriculum review and development for events, workshops, and courses for those stepping into teaching and facilitating.
Practice and apprentice session form review.
Reviewed transparent journaling.
Recommended reading: Conscious Sensuality Approach to Sexual Healing and Empowerment, and other texts as assigned.
If you are already doing sessions, the mentoring program will take you to the next level so you can provide multi-level integrated programs for clients, teach evening events, workshops, and training, as well as organize retreats and other events.
The opportunity to organize workshops or week-long trainings reduces the amount of your investment substantially because your workshops would be free and you would receive 25% of the workshop/training profit. If you are interested, contact us and we will send you the Organizer Packet.